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Libolm Deprecation

27.08.2024 14:00 — Cryptography Neil Johnson

It’s been a few weeks since we announced the deprecation of libolm. Since then, we’ve fielded some questions on the subject and thought it would be helpful to collect this context in a blog post.

First up, a recap. We first introduced the idea that libolm would make way for vodozemac in 2022, following the Gematik sponsored audit from Least Authority.

Since then, various client implementations have migrated to vodozemac. Notably, all versions of Element, Element X, Fractal, iamb and other matrix-rust-sdk based clients and their forks already use vodozemac, and platforms using matrix-js-sdk can also use vodozemac instead of libolm.

In This Week in Matrix 2024-08-02 Matthew formally announced the deprecation of libolm in favour of vodozemac.

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